Author: jdiaffaldano

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Faithful Women

Faithful Women

Beginning on Mother’s Day, this Sunday, and for the rest of the month of May, we will be looking at the historical narrative and the two women, who, along with Boaz, are the main characters. While much can be said about Ruth, Naomi’s faithful walk with the Lord, while not perfect, greatly influenced at least one...

Does the Lord’s Table Qualify as an Ordinance?

Does the Lord’s Table Qualify as an Ordinance?

Yes! For an ordinance to be an ordinance there are qualifications that must be met. First is the sovereign authorization by God. Jesus fulfilled this when it is recorded in Matthew 26:26-30, “And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, “Take, eat; this is My body.” 27 Then He took the cup,...

What Rejoicing Looks Like

What Rejoicing Looks Like

Landing a great job, coming into a lot of money, finding that special “someone”, meeting that new child or grandchild for the first time — these are all wonderful reasons to rejoice. But of course, like all jobs, one day you will leave the company, the new-found money will be spent and gone forever, the...

Psalms & Prayer

Psalms & Prayer

For the past few months Faith Baptist Church has met on Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM for prayer. Pastor John has brought a devotional each night. We looked at the different aspects of prayer at first and have now begun an overview of the Psalms. Download here to see the notes for our first two...

Welcoming Our New Pastor

Welcoming Our New Pastor

At the beginning of the year, we welcomed John Iaffaldano as the new pastor of Faith Baptist Church here in Knoxville, Iowa. While John and his wife Kristen have spent the last few years near Atlanta, Georgia, they have midwestern roots and are eager to make Iowa their new home. Pastor John Iaffaldano has a...

Making church buildings missional

Making church buildings missional

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi suscipit sed justo eu tempus. Mauris scelerisque ligula odio, at fermentum ante varius non. Vivamus ac velit nec magna interdum pharetra at ac augue. Nulla quis lorem vitae elit rutrum volutpat nec elementum mi. Donec condimentum dignissim purus, vitae sollicitudin dolor ultricies ac. Fusce ullamcorper ipsum...

Making church buildings missional

Making church buildings missional

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum erat at eros viverra vehicula. Ut ultrices aliquet lacus nec gravida. Pellentesque porttitor, augue nec lobortis tempor, neque tellus convallis nisl, in iaculis odio sapien at libero. Sed purus turpis, aliquam in lobortis ut, faucibus eu arcu. Etiam magna tellus, laoreet sit amet nisl a,...

Strengthen relationships among churches

Strengthen relationships among churches

Nullam eget euismod nisi, in feugiat felis. Sed consequat aliquet augue, quis tincidunt sem porta quis. Suspendisse nulla nibh, viverra quis vulputate eu, ultricies suscipit nibh. Aenean ut pulvinar ex. Duis neque erat, dictum ut bibendum ut, scelerisque in quam. Donec tempor ex ut nisi rhoncus, necsan ex. In molestie ante ipsum. Ut eu mi...

Develop theological competencies

Develop theological competencies

Maecenas lobortis et eros a finibus. Sed efficitur at risus ut feugiat. Nullam varius nunc porta, consectetur justo at, blandit sem. Curabitur id metus nec lorem vestibulum blandit quis eget justo. Aliquam consectetur mi eu feugiat tristique. Etiam dapibus quam ac nulla semper, vitae laoreet nibh ullamcorper. Pellentesque blandit efficitur interdum. Nunc vel tortor magna....